About Me

Hmm. About me. Well, my name’s Tess and I teach high school broadcast journalism and yearbook. It’s fun, challenging, exhausting, frustrating and exhilarating – usually all within the same class period. My desire in my job is to nurture in each student real confidence in his or her abilities, no matter where they start. There is no more important skill in the outside world, as far as I’m concerned, than the ability to communicate effectively. That’s what I teach, and what I believe.

I’m also the school’s technology coordinator (thus the username). Most schools have a full-time tech coordinator. My little school can’t afford that, so I get to do two jobs. Yay! I mostly don’t mind it, except for when I’m called out of my class to fix a teacher’s monitor THAT WAS NOT TURNED ON. (This really happened.) Then it makes me a little grumpy. But I get to play with all kinds of fun electronic toys, so I can’t really complain.

That’s what I do.

I love to take photographs, and I try to do it as much as I can, because I’m nowhere near as good as I want to be. I am a visual thinker, and color and light and composition help me to Tell My Story. Thank goodness for the invention of digital cameras.

It is my firm belief that baking and cooking and feeding people gives life meaning. I bake a lot.

Who I am…well, that’s still a work in progress.

8 Responses to About Me

  1. wildstar84 says:

    Great blog, it’s awesome to see others my age (w/kids in college) blogging too mixed in w/all the 20-something fashon/self-portrait blogs! Congrats on F.P.!!

  2. cravencreativity says:

    Tess, I really like your blog(great name for it too btw) and wanted you to know that I have nominated you for the Versatile blogger Award! You can find the specifics about this award here:
    Your blog is an inspiration, keep doing what you are doing:)

  3. tina says:

    I dont know how I happenned onto your blog ..i think the title speaking in pictures, hearing in color intrigued me…im a relay operator for the hearing impaired …anyhow, your crayon facist blog was quite entertaining and my response to you would be:
    “I used to eat the crayola crayons…you d probably have to kill me!! ”

    Ill continue to follow your blog and i have one as well about my cats called http://www.smokysplace.blogspot.com check it out im new at it but HAVING FUN!!
    taking a wordpress class ..as a matter of fact just finished 1st class tonight and looking forward to more…im retiring in 3 weeks so should have lots of time to BLOG etc.

  4. ShimonZ says:

    I think most of us are alone in this world… If we were orphaned at a young age… we think it’s because of that… if we were adopted, it’s because of that. I lived with my birth parents in childhood. And I had this reoccurring fantasy: that two very normal people would come to our front door; people from the state; from the welfare department… clerks that were in charge of putting things in order… And in my fantasy, they informed my parents that a terrible mistake had been made in the hospital, and I wasn’t really their son. Two babies had been exchanged by accident. I belonged to another family. It was just a fantasy, inspired by a story I had read in the newspapers of the time. I looked just like my mother, and I knew I was theirs… but I didn’t really want to be. Have strength, Tess. Every minute in this life, no matter how much time has gone by… is a minute in which you can still make choices. And find what really is worthwhile for you. My best wishes.

  5. greeneyesmom says:

    Ummmm……You got an award…..TAH DAH!

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